Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mercury, I hate you.

Mercury and food intolerances: common causes of chronic conditions related to leaky gut and intestinal dysfunction such as ulcerative colitis, IBS, Crohn’s, eczema, psoriasis, food allergies, arthritis, ADHD, and autoimmune disease; and treatments that improve these conditions. Mercury causes significant destruction of stomach and intestine epithelial cells, resulting in damage  to stomach lining which along with mercury’s ability to bind to SH hydroxyl radical in cell membranesalters permeability and adversely alters bacterial populations in the intestines causing leaky gut syndrome with toxic,incompletely digested complexes in the blood and accumulation of heliobacter pylori, a suspected major factor instomach ulcers and stomach cancer and Candida albicans,as well as poor nutrient absorption.

Dental amalgam has been found by thousands of medical lab tests and by medical studies to be the largest source of mercury exposure in most people who have several amalgam fillings.  Replacement of amalgam fillings and metals detoxification have been found to significantly improve the health of  most with conditions related to bowel dysfunction and leaky gut syndrome.

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