It's been a while since I've had any thoughts, any emotions. I've been doing pretty good, or maybe just realizing that it's all about to come to an end. (God willingly) but honestly I've been having a wonderful week. I've traveled to Fresno & Los Banos where I was surprised with my dear friend Steitz. She brings joy in every shape or form. She makes you have a night to remember and just keeps you focused on the good things in life. It was also fun meeting up with people from high school, I know many people don't like going back to LB and have a billion and one bad things to say about it but I enjoy it, so much. Especially having the wonderful people who surround me when I'm there.
Tonight I met a woman who has been there with me since I've started
Writing this blog, someone who has lifted me high, in spirits and in hope. She always knows just what to say and she's very very strong. It's like you think you've met the strongest woman in your life, she's triple that. She looks amazing and happy and so faithful and believes in God. It amazes me, someone who's been through so much, could smile and welcome you in with open arms. I could go on for days and days, I could also give you a list of things she bought Malia. Not even knowing us physically or for a long time, she has shown so much support and has so much love in her heart for not only myself but Malia, thank you God for all that I have gone through because I have met the most incredible people during this journey and it's so wonderful, that I am truly blessed.
Linda Contreras- thank you for allowing my mom, Malia & I to come into your home and share stories of our experiences, to make us dinner and dessert and to be so kind. To find it in your heart to smile and believe in me and make me feel like I'm special. I love you so much and I hope today wasn't the 1st, or the last time we ever see each other.
Whoever is reading this know that God is the most realist man ever. No matter how much you're hurting, how much you've suffered or if you think nobody understands. They really really do. And maybe that person or those people haven't found you, or opened up their arms to protect you, lift you up or be there when you need them the most. Doesn't mean they aren't real or they aren't
Coming.. Or they don't exist. God is working on a plan for you and he will be there when you least expect it. You just gotta have faith. You gotta keep believing and knowing that the worse is almost over and that you don't have to fight alone or pretend like you don't have something. You don't have to be strong all of the time. Life is going to be hard, life is going to hit you when you least expect it but you gotta keep moving forward and you have to continue to fight. Put your mind to something and then all things are possible. Just because you have an illness doesn't mean you stop living, doesn't mean you hate life because of it. You have to be better than that. You have to take the hit and get back up, because god always has a plan, but the right plan. That will come when God knows you're ready and want to take his hand.
"It takes a strong woman to endure the pain we have, it takes a good woman to accept it and it takes an even better woman to live with it and move on"
Your best blog post ever! Love the shout out girl!! So glad I got to see you and spend the time with you that I did! xoxo