Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Update on J-pouch.

Well, it's been a month & 16 days. I've been cleared by my doctor. No restrictions. And I must try everything. By that he means food. He also said, for me to "have fun." It's been a long road, go do something fun. I could think of a million things I could be doing right now, but part of me is afraid and then the other part just wants it to be a year passed already. . 
My walk is coming near and usually I'm excited, I'm pumped. But I think I'm just dreading the fact that I haven't made the difference I want to make. I know that's awful, and I shouldn't be that way. But this foundation means so much to me, I just want everything to be perfect. I want to raise the most money, put the most work into it. I just want to be the difference and most importantly I want millions to stop suffering. 
Well enough about that:
This post is suppose to be about my j-pouch and how well it has been functioning. Again, I will be very detailed in this blog because I need you to know what it's like to live with a j-pouch. It's my soul-purpose for this blog. 
Well.. I have to admit. I've had bad days. And I have had plenty more great days since my surgery.
Rule: No hotdogs, no spicy food, no alcohol and no absolutely no salad. 
I've been trying to learn to say no to food but that's been so hard. I've been unable to eat for such a long period in my life. I just see food and the thought of it touching my tongue makes me a happy lady. Because I want everything. I love spicy food and I absolutely love salads, so not being able to look, touch or eat it. Just stinks.

Well j-pouch has been putting out awful output. Green, green and more green. Everything coming out whole. And major stomach aches. I always feel dehydrated. But again, I only have myself to blame. I know what I should stay away from and what's okay. Trail and error. That's how I see it. And the worse part about having the j-pouch and using the restroom constantly is that you may get irritation, bleeding, burning and itching from your anus. Doctor Fleshner, suggest getting all the butt creams and seeing what works best for me. 
I have to end with no matter how much it sounds like I'm complaining. I'm not. I just want you to understand the daily frustrations and routine with having a j-pouch: but I wouldn't trade it for the world. As long as I never have to deal with the pain of Ulcerative Colitis. A butt rash, itch or pain can be easily fixed. And I'm okay with finding out what works best for me and my body. It's only been a little over a month... I will get the hang of this. It just takes time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla

    I nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award because I think you're awesome. There are quite a few steps to do to accept the award and they can be found on my blog post here:


    It is ok if you don’t have time to go through that process (it is quite the process!!!). I am just excited to share your blog with my readers along.
    Miss you!

