Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ostomy Closure

You wake up after the procedure and you're filled with joy of course. The only thing that you want to see is the fact that your colostomy bag is no longer there. You feel pain, but it's like a throbbing pain and the nurses are amazing at controlling that pain. You cry tears because you're happy, that it's all finally over. (fingers crossed)
The amount of support I had was quite overwhelming. One moment I felt like locking myself in the restroom and crying, but I knew I couldn't allow myself to do that.
Day 1: I could honestly say I felt like I didn't have anything done to me, I had visitors and I actually was drowsy most of the day, but I could function and that night I rested pretty well.
Day 2: Was absolutely amazing, family and friends were there to support me and It was wonderful. Kept me busy and I was put on a solid fiber restricted diet. It was actually pretty nice because I hadn't eaten in over 36 hours at this point, so food tasted great. I can't say I have many complaints. I was bloated and I had slight pain off and on but nothing the nurses couldn't manage. I walked, I got up and down and moved around. I felt good.
Besides the heparin shots every 12 hours I really have no other complaints or reason NOT to get this surgery.
Day 3: Was a little tough, I felt tired. 
I felt pain, I felt like I had worked out and was sore. They had to take the dressing out of my wound where my once stoma was. OUCH! But again, you've already gone through so much at this point, so that's nothing.. I slept and slept.
Day 4: I was released.
I felt constipated but it was only because I was getting use to the new j-pouch.
It felt great to actually be able to go to the restroom like a normal human-being and able to fart threw my butt- that was my favorite part. 

If you're thinking about getting the surgery and you've dealt with Ulcerative Colitis for quite sometime and you fear the pain, the needles and the what if's-- DONT! Our bodies have gone through so much already and you can handle the surgery and the healing process. I believe in you and you should believe in yourself.

"God can turn obstacles into opportunities."


  1. I'm so glad you posted photos of your wound from your stoma. I was curious how that would look. You are amazing! You look great and I'm so glad that you're doing well!
    xoxo Megan

  2. The ostomy procedure and its variations are grouped based on their use of an opening in the body that is used to drain waste or facilitate bodily processes. OstomyLifestyle.org
